So now he's 3 months!

trying again with evening light
These first few months seem to have flown by and it also seems like he's been with us forever. We adore Sam. He's totally laid back, although I can tell he's a kid who's going to be on the go all the time. He can't sit still if he's awake. He's a total fidget butt. :) Not much else to report on him. He's desperately trying to crawl, but he hasn't figured out the movements yet nor is he strong enough. Another couple of months I think. Sam can bear some weight on his legs and it really looks like he takes steps to walk. Although I read that this is just one of the primitive reflexes, it's still pretty cool. And I don't remember Katie doing it, but she may have and I was too new of a mom to realize anything. One of these days I will get some decent video of him doing it since they say the reflex disappears. So that's about all I have to say about him right now. He's still a baby and does all the baby things. Life keeps rolling on.....


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