Sam is 6 weeks old today

Check him roll over front to back! < He can do it on a flat surface, but he was having fun doing it on my little photo set today. :) And because I just love his little smiles. He smiles so much more than Katie ever did, I think. Maybe it's because I notice them more because I'm not as stressed out because this is the second time around? Maybe? He's also been doing his mini push ups, but he's been doing these for awhile. It'll be awhile yet before he's doing the whole push up and the roll over from back to front, but he's doing pretty good for a 6 week old huh?


One response to “Sam is 6 weeks old today”

Unknown said...
June 27, 2008 at 2:52 PM

wow, that's like a record or something...he must be an athletic genius. also, good for katie, tryin to help a brother out.

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