So I was thinking..... being pregnant is so very nerve racking. With Katie I was working so much that I didn't have a whole lot of time to worry. With this one, I have too much time to worry.
It makes me wonder that more children that you have, does it become easier not to think about that what ifs? Or maybe the information age has given us too much knowledge about all the possibilities of what could go wrong. I just don't know if I could keep going through the cycle of having child after child, say hypothetically 13 kids. Because inevitably your chances of having something go wrong with one of them would get higher. There's so much heartache and stress that goes along with pregnancy, it just makes me pause. I think what really happens is that when the urge comes to have another child, one conveniently forgets about all the bad stuff. I guess it's like they say, if you carried all of the bad stuff with you after the baby gets here, ie labor, miscarriage, infertility, etc., you wouldn't even want to bother having more than one child.


One response to “So I was thinking.....”

Unknown said...
February 4, 2008 at 10:20 AM

funny you say that, because i always thought i would worry less with my next pregnancy for two reasons: 1. who has time to worry, chasing a toddler and 2. the first one turned out fine. but worry is the work of pregnancy, i guess, and always will be.

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