"Mommy, look, look, the moon's broken!"

As some of you may or may not know there was a full lunar eclipse tonight. Well, we had seen the moon as it was rising on our way to dinner and Katie is quite obsessed with seeing the moon if it's not cloudy. The moon was full, so the whole way to dinner she kept pointing out what a pretty moon it was. Then we went grocery shopping and as we came out of the grocery store, she exclaims, "Mommy, look, look, the moon's broken!". It was too cute. The eclipse had already started and about a quarter of the moon was already shadowed. We hadn't even noticed yet, and probably wouldn't have noticed until we got home, if she hadn't said something. Oh, my sweet, observant, moon obsessed Katie..... The first picture is by the time we got home and had gotten most of the groceries in the house. The second picture is during the full eclipse. The moon is a little bit brighter than it was in real life, but you can see all the stars my camera was able to capture. :) Click on this link to see the larger size with all the stars.


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