Yes, that's right, I did it. Jealous?

me'n'my new hair
I cut my hair into a bob and died it light auburn/strawberry blonde. It's kind of in celebration of my weightloss. I like, wait...I LOVE it. It dries in like 30 seconds and is so so easy to style. Thank goodness for time savers. Excuse the pic, no makeup, my eyes are doing something funky, but Miguel thinks it's a cute pic. So I'll go with it.


4 Responses to “Yes, that's right, I did it. Jealous?”

February 15, 2009 at 10:53 PM

I AM jealous! I keep threatening to hack mine off, but Avery tells me that "Mommies have LONG hair". Guess that's all she knows! I think I'll do it this summer though. Maybe. Probably. If I don't chicken out. :)
You look FABULOUS!

Karen Riojas said...
February 16, 2009 at 4:47 PM

Cute! we must think alike...I just chopped mine off on Friday. Went from about an inch more than shoulder length to a little less than chin length. I'll post pictures of my new do as soon as I get the chance. I love your new color, too!!

Katie said...
February 16, 2009 at 5:48 PM

Thanks girls!
Sara, you know it's funny. Katie didn't even seem to notice I lopped it off. And Sam just kind of gave me a weird look and moved on. LOL I thought they would be more upset.
Karen, mine is actually shorter than chin length in the back. It's one of those bobs that's short in the back and longer in the front. I am just loving it right now. I seem to chop my hair off almost every spring though. LOL

Sonya said...
February 17, 2009 at 3:21 PM

Very cute Martine. I doubt I will have long hair ever again. AND congrats on the weight loss! You are an inspiration for sure!

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