So exhausted!

I swear I think carrying a baby even early in the first trimester is like running a marathon. I feel like I've been up for days and days, yet Miguel could tell you I have been sleeping A LOT. I haven't even taken any pictures all week. I know, unusual for me. Maybe I am saving it up for tomorrows shoot for Samantha's birthday party. :)
Did anyone hear about the woman who is suing her fertility doctor for $350K, because she had twins? She says that she only wanted one child and the doctors office implanted two embryos, so she had twins. So she is suing for the amount of money it will cost to raise the child. It just irks me beyond belief. As someone who has to take a bunch of meds to get pregnant, I would think she would feel nothing but doubly blessed. Instead she considered giving up one of the twins for adoption. How would she decide which one to toss aside? Flip a coin? How are those kids going to feel if they ever find out that this is what their mom thinks of them? That she didn't really want the second one? And what if they had been naturally occurring identical twins? Meaning twins split from the same embryo? Would she have felt the same way? I think the woman is loony as a toon. If they had enough money for IVF (in vitro fertilization), then I think they can probably afford to raise two kids. I'm thinking that maybe this woman shouldn't have even had one kid, let alone two.


3 Responses to “So exhausted!”

Cajun Cutie said...
September 22, 2007 at 1:10 PM

I came here via Sara's blog. As someone dealing with IF, I agree with you.If we have to use the "big Guns" (IVF) I would happy if we got multiples. I don't understand how you can pray and hope and go through all the disappointment only to be disappointed when you get your dream twice fold. Some ppl are weird. Congratulations on your miracle.

Miguel said...
September 25, 2007 at 9:37 AM

Thank you! I just couldn't believe this woman! I couldn't tell you how excited I would be if I were carrying twins right now. :)

Katie said...
September 25, 2007 at 9:38 AM

I accidentally posted under my husbands name. LOL

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