The Paleo Diet

So Miguel and I have come to a plateau/standstill with our weight loss. One of the theories of healthy eating is something called the Paleo Diet. Essentially, the idea is to eat like paleolithic man. Meaning, eating protein, veggies, fruit, and select nuts and oils (for fat). So, no eating grains, cereals, legumes, or dairy. I won't go into the whole theory behind it, but I'm sure if you google it, you'll find plenty of information. I *think* we are going to attempt it for a few weeks and see how well it helps get rid of these last 20 lbs. Thankfully, I am going to be doing a transitional period for at least the first week, because I am a dairy addict. Also it requires some planning of meals and getting certain things premade for the week. Really we kind of eat this way already, but we eat a lot of dairy products. So that's the only part of this way of eating that will be difficult at first. The great thing is that you get 3 cheat meals a week for the first couple of weeks and for when you are maintaining. So those things you love you can still eat a few times a week. Anyway, hopefully after a little while, we'll lean out and be able to post some great results. I *might* even post a before picture. Maybe. Maybe not. Depends how confident I am feeling.



One response to “The Paleo Diet”

Amanda said...
July 31, 2009 at 9:45 AM

That sounds like a great diet. I am not sure of the details, but mercola ( has been talking about this type of diet for years. He's really big on eating for your nutrition type...

Good luck!
God bless-

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